Tennessee Nurse Association Guidelines for Research Recruitment Notice Distribution of research recruitment notices is a service TNA offers its members free of charge. There is a maximum of two studies per year per member. Nurses who are not TNA members are eligible to submit nursing research recruitment notices for a fee of $250 per notification. Guidelines for submission and acceptance of nursing research recruitment notices:
Approved research recruitment notices will be distributed via:
All content for website, emails, and Facebook posts must be submitted in full. TNA does not create content. Send IRB approval and recruitment notices/information to: Kathryn Denton. | Military Nurse Officer Veterans Survey Opportunity Attention Military Nurse Officer veterans that are over 23 years of age and under 65; who have served as a nurse in one of the five U.S. military branches. You are invited to participate in a research study seeking to understand your transition from the military healthcare setting by drawing from your personal experience and perspective. This research has been approved by the University of Tennessee Institutional Review Board. Researcher Information: Trisha Mims PhD (c), MBA, RN, HCM; Affiliation: College of Nursing, University of Tennessee- Knoxville; Email Contact: tmims1@vols.utk.edu or Katherine Morgan at kmorgan3@utk.edu or contact Cristina Barroso at cbarroso@utk.edu #navy #army #uscg #usphs #airforce #militarynurses #veterannurses #veterantransitions #nurseshortage #retention Tennessee Nurse Workplace Violence and Burnout Survey Hello, My name is Flo Weierbach, and I am a Registered Nurse and a Professor of Nursing at East Tennessee State University (ETSU). Myself and colleagues from ETSU, Drs. Teresa Carnevale, Kim Ferguson, Jennifer Hitt and Kendrea Todt are conducting a research study addressing nurses experience with workplace violence and burnout. The title of the study is “Tennessee Nurse Workplace Violence and Burnout.” I am inviting you to participate in a brief online survey addressing your experiences as a nurse and workplace violence. The online RedCap survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. If you have completed this survey – Thank You. Please recall that you may only respond once. Also, many inquiries have been made regarding the email requesting responses. This is a legitimate study, originating from ETSU with approval from ESTU Institutional review board (IRB). Take the SurveyThank you for considering participation in this study. Sincerely, Flo Weierbach, PhD, MPH, RN |