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Why do we need to be political? 

Two things most nurses don’t want to talk about, politics and money. But we, as nurses, must. Too many decisions are made about our profession and the care we provide not to be involved and have a seat at the table. If nurses don’t get involved, other people will. The hospital CEO, administrator, physicians or other medical professionals will gladly tell candidates and legislators that everything is perfect in the nursing profession or what changes they think should be made. But when nurses speak up and advocate, then nurses and patients win. 

This isn’t about voting Republican or Democrat; this is about voting for nurses and the nursing profession. As nurses, we need to go back to our roots and support those legislators and candidates that support us. Every day we read about working environments being compromised, hospital bottom lines and nurses being pushed to the edge. All these things are happening because we are not supporting the right candidates. 

The TN Nurses PAC is a voluntary, unincorporated political action committee for registered nurses and others interested in health care issues. It is not affiliated with any political party. It is not a branch or subsidiary of any national or other political committees. 

What this boils down to is, who are you? Are you a nurse? Then you need to support your profession by being a TN Nurses PAC donor. We all have “political” issues that are near and dear to our hearts. But where will you end up when the pro-nurse candidate loses out to a candidate who won’t listen to nurses? We are in difficult times. This is about your profession, the care you provide, your livelihood and your ability to protect your family and loved ones. 

Why I give to the TN PAC!

To give nurses a more powerful voice and a seat at the decision-making table.

- Chelsey M.

They speak loudly on behalf of nurses about issues that affect our practices and keep the pressure on our elected officers to commit to better working standards.

- Olu O.

The nursing profession is one that is highly regulated by our state legislature. TN Nurses PAC strengthens our voice with those lawmakers. You can't make a difference without getting involved.

- Carla K.

Nurses are ever-present, highly skilled, knowledgeable, and holistic healthcare providers. Yet, we are often absent from the policy dialogue when legislators enact laws that profoundly impact health outcomes and our profession. Donations to TN-PAC ensure we have a seat at the table and policymakers hear our voices!

- Tracey S.

Helps us address challenges and barriers within the healthcare system. Whether it's fighting for better resources, patients’ and nurses’ rights, addressing burnout and mental health issues among healthcare providers, or advocating for equity, diversity and inclusion in the workforce, a strong PAC amplifies our collective concerns and drives meaningful change.

- Susie L.

Timing is everything.

It is time for us all to support those candidates that support nurses. TNA, the GOVA committee and the TN Nurses PAC Board evaluate candidates and elected officials in state office based on questionnaires we send out each election cycle, past voting records if available, commitments to the nursing profession, and policy positions.

If we want to make an impact in elections, we can’t wait. We need you to donate today and build our TN Nurses PAC. Over the next several months, your TN Nurses PAC board will be issuing questionnaires and evaluating the voting records of these Tennessee elected officials. 

How does the TN Nurse PAC raise money? When does it meet?

Your individual TN Nurses PAC contribution allows TNA to educate members of the legislature about issues important to our profession and to help elect candidates to office who support those issues. We build power and influence in several ways, including the support of political campaigns. It keeps us visible and involved in the political landscape in Tennessee. Campaign contributions provide opportunities for outreach and education in addition to enhancing TNA’s political presence. In order to make campaign contributions, we have to have the funding.  Make a donation now!

The TN Nurses PAC Board holds regular meetings while the General Assembly is in session. At every TNA Annual Conference, the TN Nurses PAC holds an Annual Meeting, which is open to all member-donors of the PAC. We also hold an Annual Live Auction and Silent Auction. Another great way to build the PAC is to hold fundraisers at the district level.

Purpose and Goals of the TN Nurses PAC

To promote and protect the registered nurse and to advance the practice of nursing to assure a healthier Tennessee by raising funds from within the nursing community and friends of nursing.

Publicly support or oppose legislation in accordance with the position taken by the TNA GOVA committee.  

To consider supporting candidates based on their individual merit in the context of the office sought, and to contribute and publicly support candidates for state office who believe and have demonstrated their belief in the legislative objectives of TNA. 


The TN PAC Board has general supervision and control of the affairs and the funds of the PAC and serves without compensation. All PAC Board members must be registered voters and donate to the PAC on an annual basis. After accepting nominations in the fall, the TNA board of directors has appointed the following members to the newly constituted TN Nurses PAC Board:

  • Ray Coe, TNA President, ex-officio
  • Marcia Barnes, Chair
  • Ruth Kleinpell, Middle Tennessee
  • Susan Thul, Secretary/Treasurer, East Tennessee
  • Julie Hamm, Government Affairs
  • Susie Leming-Lee, Vice Chair, Government Affairs
  • Carla Kirkland, West Tennessee
  • John Dixon, Government Affairs
  • Mark Miller, Director, Government Affairs
  • Nancy Anness, Government Affairs

A Note from TN Nurses PAC Board of Trustees:

We need to make campaign contributions to our friends in the State Legislature who support our profession.

The TN Nurses PAC Board and the TNA Board of Directors would like to challenge TNA members to donate and support the PAC. Increasing the PAC will increase our ability to not only be in the room where decisions are made but, also a seat at the table.

We must keep growing our PAC to support your profession and increase TNA’s visibility within the Tennessee legislative and election processes. TN Nurse contributions are made on a bipartisan basis and allow us to participate in the political process by attending political fundraisers and by building strong relationships with key elected state leaders. While we raise money for the PAC at the Annual Conference, that event alone is not enough to sustain the level of PAC balance we need to make a bigger impact in elections. The bottom line is that we need your help for the PAC to be successful.

More information about the TN Nurses PAC and Campaign Finance:

As required by Tennessee Law, contributions to the TN Nurses PAC can only come from your personal funds, LLC funds, or corporate funds. You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Your contribution may not be reimbursed to you by another person. There are no limits on contributions from individuals, LLCs, and corporations to TN NURSES PAC. We are required to use our best efforts to collect and report the mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed $100 in a reporting period. Contributions to TN Nurses PAC are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. We do not accept cash donations.

Together, we can make a real difference in moving forward to modernize the Nurse Practice Act!

Here is how you can support your profession by being a TN Nurses PAC donor:

  1. Become a monthly donor of any amount; we need you to become a Member Today.
  2. Be a one-time donor and donate any amount.
  3. You or your TNA District can also hold a local fundraiser for the TN Nurses PAC.

2024 Donors

  • Tracey Stansberry
  • Nancy Appling
  • Julie Ham
  • Marcia Barnes
  • Mitzie Jenkins
  • Tracy Nichols
  • Dara Rogers
  • Carole Myers
  • Carla Kirkland
  • Brian Miller
  • Gina Haffner
  • Brett Young
  • James Hall
  • Derenda Hodge
  • Diana Baker
  • Chelsea Medley
  • Kathryn Wray
  • Virginia Betts
  • Constance McCarter
  • Megan Simmons
  • Dava Shoffner
  • Ann Kirk
  • Clare Sullivan
  • Elizabeth Ramage
  • Patricia Scott
  • Wanda Hooper

  • Nancy Anness
  • F. Edwards-in memory of Louise Browning
  • Jean Blackburn
  • Alexandra Stewart
  • Ann Johnson
  • C. Blankenship-in memory of Louise Browning
  • C. Morgan- in memory of Louise Browning
  • Carla Kirkland
  • Ashley Carter-District 3
  • Loretta Bond
  • District #1
  • Sherry Raben
  • Charlynne Parson
  • District #2

2024 Contributions Made To

    • Friends of Karen Camper
    • TNA-Sponsor for Day on the Hill
    • Friends of Ken Yager
    • Lamburth PAC
    • McPAC-Rachel Barrett
    • Elect Lundberg

    • Bo Mithcell-State Representative
    • Ferrell Hale
    • Shane Reeves for State Senate
    • Brock Martin
    • Mark Cochran
    Location: 545 Mainstream Drive, Suite 401, 
    Nashville, TN 37228-1296
    Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (CDT)

    Phone: (615) 254-0350

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